Betty is the Stand By Me for the next generation
★★★★ | Stand by me
★★★★ | Stand by me
★★★★ | Mr. Smith goes to Leavenworth
NO REST FOR THE WICKED Premieres on HBO Nordic April 27. First three episodes were screened for review. CITY OF ANGELS is a spin-off from showrunner John Logan’s other PENNY…
PUTTING ON THE RITZ WE’RE HERE premieres on HBO Nordic April 24. The first three episodes were screened for review. Before we start, a disclaimer: I intensely dislike reality TV.…
★★ | Thor, but surviving
We're gonna need a bigger moat
★★★ | Handle with care
END OF AN ERA Series like this are invaluable, because they allows others to catch a glimpse of a world they have little to no understanding about. It paints with…
As the global pandemic continues and brings much of the film industry to a grinding halt, festivals have taken to the internet to bring their catalogues for audience worldwide. One…
ONCE MORE WITHOUT FEELING If you saw the 2007 film DEATH AT A FUNERAL, you’ve already seen LOVE WEDDING REPEAT, premiering on Netflix today, April 10. As a matter of…