Astro Bot
★★★★★ | Astro Bot is a nearly perfect platformer that joyously redefines everything we love about the genre. A must-own title.
Review on: PlayStation 5 (Normal)
Distributor provided a review copy.
Super Mario 64 is one of my favorite games of all time. When it came out, it single-handedly sold people on the Nintendo 64 and ushered in a new generation of platformer fans.
Astro Bot is in the same league. This is a joyous revival of everything we love about platformers. It is a brilliant, genre-defining masterpiece that sets the bar for everyone else.
It captures the pure simplicity of gaming. The threadbare plot is so charming that you don’t need anything else. The main draw is the gameplay, which is refined to perfection. Everything around it is a bonus – a charming, consistently lovely, and uplifting bonus.
Simple and beautiful
The setup is simple: Astro Bot and friends travel the galaxy on their PlayStation 5 mothership when a mean jerk of an alien attacks them. He breaks the mothership and steals vital parts that make the PS5 work. In the process, he scatters the icons of PlayStation history into the cosmos. It is up to Astro Bot to set things right.
To accomplish this, Astro Bot must travel between themed worlds, battle bosses, and discover hidden galaxies to find all his friends. New levels introduce special powers unique to their surroundings. An elephant backpack shoots grassy levels for Astro Bot to climb. Round boxing gloves, which bear a resemblance to Mario’s chain chomps, extend Astro’s reach. My favorite, the mouse, allows Astro to change shape and size. Each one is carefully thought out and beautifully implemented. There’s a joy in discovering how they work, and how they react with the environment.
The level design is uniquely superlative. Every themed galaxy has something new to marvel at. This is one of the most colorful, witty, and charming games ever. It made me feel like a kid again. Whether it’s rushing down a waterslide or exploring the God of War realm, every aspect of Astro Bot bursts with inventiveness.
When combined with simple but tight controls, Astro Bot is a revelation. There’s nothing extra here; no padding to hide over-design. Astro can jump, hit, climb, and swim. You need only to master a few buttons, and you’re good to go. It is an elegant design that made Mario such a hit. I could give this game to any family member, and they would understand its gameplay language. That may seem simple, but it’s supremely hard to get right. Like writing a hit song, it’s a balance between art and commercial instincts that few have – and even fewer know how to work with.
A technical marvel
Astro Bot is also a perfect showcase for what you can do with the PlayStation 5, at least when you have a team intimately aware of its capabilities. Astro Bot is a technical marvel. Loading times are almost non-existent. Levels have no pop-in or stutter. Every animation is clear and thoughtfully curated. You can spend hours messing about the menus, worlds, and mini-games, and not notice a single fault.
Astro Bot began as a demo for the PS5 controller. It was so charming, that most found it one of the best launch games for the system. It’s no surprise a full game was due sooner rather than later. Especially as it continues the high standard set by its predecessor. Every element of the marriage between gameplay and technical showboating works. Sand crackles beneath your feet. Water tickles the haptic feedback. Brush your hand against a wall, and there’s a soft rumble to indicate changes in texture. Like the maximalist elements in the game, even the subtle touches spark joy.
Something for everyone
There’s little, if anything, to complain about in Astro Bot. Yes, it’s not the longest game out there. A seasoned veteran will complete it in a weekend. It doesn’t feature lives or fail-states, which is another deliberate and smart choice. This isn’t a game that’s meant to be difficult. Instead, it’s an accessible adventure for the whole family. Removing traditional platformer structures turns Astro Bot into a title that is easily recommended to everyone, everywhere.
Because of this, Astro Bot encourages exploration, trial, and error. It has a wealth of hidden worlds, mysteries, and gadgets to discover. The planet where Astro and friends crash into becomes a resplendent paradise that celebrates friendship. It alone is worth exploring for Easter eggs and jokes.
For longtime PlayStation fans, Astro Bot is a nostalgic celebration of the iconography that made this platform so beloved. Every character from nearly four decades of play has come along. I found myself grinning more than once in seeing old friends. Unlocking their signature gear made it feel like I was part of the party.
Astro Bot is a triumph. It’s an unexpected treat that I didn’t know we needed. It elevates the genre to new heights and does so with joy, love, and care. There’s nothing like it on the market, and it’s a miracle that it even exists. This is a must-own title and one of the best games ever made.